Checkmates in the opening

In chess, checkmates in the opening are examples of a player being checkmated during the first few moves of the game (i.e. in the opening). Some common or notable mating patterns have names of their own. These include Fool's mate, Scholar's mate, smothered mate, the back rank checkmate, Boden's mate, Epaulette mate, and Légal's mate.


Quick checkmates

Some opening traps involve an early checkmate. These include:

See also


  1. ^ Pandolfini–N.N., 1970
  2. ^ Bohm-Hernandez, Amsterdam 1979
  3. ^ Aron Nimzovich, My System, David McKay, 1947, p. 131. ISBN 0-679-14025-5.
  4. ^ Nimzowitsch–N.N., Pernau 1910. Retrieved on 2009-11-15.

Further reading

External links